

« 深圳TO日本专业货代电话号码YAKOHAMA/KOBE/OSAKA 越南美国功能物流公司 »



To meet development needs and further expand the European market, we have established a brother company in Hamburg, Germany, and established our office in Hamburg. At present, Hamburg Branch mainly serves for the Duisburg-Suzhou import trains, provides towing, warehousing, customs declaration, consultation and other preliminary supporting services, offers convenience for import affairs, and shortens the time consumed in the processes, thus improving the logistics efficiency. Even in a foreign country, we can also put our customers at ease. Besides, with Hamburg as the service center in the whole European region and the coordinate origin of the market, we provide fast and efficient package services such as arrival, customs clearance, unpacking, warehousing and delivery for the export trains from Germany and neighboring countries. We can also drive the industry flow and direction in the surrounding regions and provide new development ideas.
CIS countries

TOPRAIL has an elite team consisting of logistics professionals who are proficient in English and Russian. The team members have many years of industry experience, and can communicate with others fluently during service process. They have first-class business capability, handle various affairs well in the international market, and behave well. Besides, TOPRAIL has established in-depth and close strategic cooperation with all the partners involved in the logistics such as Russian railway logistics, Russian railway containers and other railway carriers, station agents and customs clearance agents, and provides all-round package services such as customs clearance, delivery, warehousing and consultation for the majority of customers after arrival at a destination, We can solve any problem once discovered in the process, we implement the responsibility system for each business, resolutely eliminate unilateral interruption of services in foreign countries, and put the customers’ trust into practice.我司拥有多台中港及深圳和香港本地运输车辆,大部分车辆都装备GPS全球卫星定位系统,实时监控车辆运行状况,在深圳和香港都有大型的实时监控仓库,我们凭借在中港专线积累的多年经验创造了我们在中港运输这个领域的独特优势。能为您提供“专业高效,优质快捷”的国内至香港货物运输服务,并且专业代理报关、报检、保险、进出口业务,境外代收付货款、物流策划等一站式解决方案。在深圳海关各口岸具有良好的声誉及融洽的人际关系,我们致力于为全球供应商、制造商、服务提供商、销售商、终端用户等提供全程一体化的供应链管理及咨询服务,全方位经营中港陆路专线运输、仓储、配送、中转、装卸、包装以及大型机械设备和特种货物的吊装和运输等服务,以及海空国际运输代理业务。





  • 广州海运至美国洛杉矶,前后用了22天。感觉还算挺快的了,业务员一收到我的货,就马上开始备报关资料了,服务还行。货到了美国清关时,也是有问必答,挺不错的。下次再合作。
  • 第一次在网上上找国际海运,所以一开始有很多问题咨询。业务李远的回答问题态度和专业度都十分的赞赞赞!并且发货和快递的速度都十分的快。货物到了我这边也能顺利过关,开心,还有美国产生的税挺贵的。但也能理解。完全好评!
  • 东西已平安到达,不知怎么的,在美国拖延了几天.不过没事啦,收到就好了。在此,特别感谢广州六润的广大员工,你们的服务挺不错的。还帮忙把装箱单和形式发票品名翻译成英文做好文给我。值得嘉奖。
  • 第一次尝试散货拼箱海运方式,以前都是寄国际快递形式,业务员小波服务态度超好的,还建议我买了保险,我人在国外送不了货,还帮忙叫货车去收货,货物完好无损的到了,很棒!以后有需要会再来的,
  • 我的货在中山,客服建议我用国内快递寄到我司仓库省钱,这个是易碎品,到了仓库客服还帮打开检查是否有破碎,挺细心的。下次再帮衬。
  • 我的货要赶在圣诞节前铺货卖,业务员推荐了个又快又好的船公司给我,拖车迅速、报关迅速、海运也迅速、100分。

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